From Beginner to Expert! 5 Programming Websites


3 min read

Recently, I have been interested in programming for the first time in a long time, and I feel like I have returned to the “old days”. It feels like I am slowly getting back what I once gave back to my teacher. So, I would like to share with you the top 5 online programming learning sites that are highly rated by developers.

1.iOS Developer Library
If you are a beginner and want to learn iOS development, the best place to start is Apple’s official iOS app development guide, the iOS Developer Library. The iOS Developer Library provides a very detailed guide for iOS development and is designed to take developers step by step. However, to access all the resources of the iOS Dev Center, you will need to register as a paid member of the Apple Developer Program.

2.Android Developers
Similarly, the best place to start learning Android development is Google’s official Android developer platform. Android Developers has all the development guides, documentation, and tools a developer needs to learn how to build an Android app from scratch. You can also find all the new Android systems, new tools, and new features announced by Google on Android Developers first.

3.Code School
Code School emphasizes “learn by doing” in programming education. They believe that it is more important to learn by doing than by listening to lectures. Based on this philosophy, Code School offers various programming courses such as Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, iOS, etc. in the form of videos, programming challenges, screen recordings, etc. Suitable for beginners and advanced users, completing the course will unlock the final video and additional rewards. Some of the courses on Code School are free, while others are paid, and you can access all the courses on the site for $29 per month.

SCRATCH is used for programming education for children. Developed in the United States, it allows you to learn visually, so you can learn programming without typing code. It is certainly for children, but adults can also learn while having fun by creating games as they are programmed. It is free to use.

The last one I would like to introduce is “SitePoint”, a highly renowned online media site from Australia. Founded in 1999, it offers a wide range of development and design tutorials. SitePoint courses are primarily aimed at professional developers and designers, covering JS/HTML/CSS, mobile and web development, UI design, and more. SitePoint brings together many experts in the mobile development field to provide the latest technical articles to users around the world. Many of the articles are based on real case studies, making SitePoint an ideal place for developers and designers who want to improve their skills.